VP- Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Job Description

The VP-Chief Technology Officer (CTO) will work with the SVP-Chief Health Digital Officer (CHDO) and the peer Digital Health System VPs to provide technology vision and leadership in the development and implementation of the affiliate-wide information technology (IT) program. The VP-CTO will lead the health care network in planning and implementing enterprise information systems to support UC Health's operations and achieve more effective and cost beneficial enterprise-wide IT operations. They will provide strategic and tactical planning, development, evaluation and coordination of the information and technology systems for the health care network including the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions as well as facilitate communication between key stakeholders including management, vendors, and other technology resources within the organization, ensuring that transcription services and technology enable streamlined operations across UC-Health's system.

  • Approves, coordinates and controls all projects related to selection, acquisition, development and installation of major information systems for the affiliate. Provides advice on evaluation, selection, implementation and maintenance of information systems, ensuring appropriate investment in strategic and operational systems. Evaluates systems to measure their success.
  • Reviews all hardware and software acquisition and maintenance contracts, soliciting involvement and participation of other management team members as appropriate.
  • Develops and maintains corporate policies and standards aimed at maximizing effectiveness and minimizing costs related to the acquisition, implementation and operation of IT systems, telecommunication technology, transcription services, and clinical engineering services.
  • Develops, when possible, master purchase of lease agreements for hardware, software, maintenance and telecommunication services.
  • Develops and monitors the approved annual operating and capital budgets for information systems, telecommunication technology, transcription services, and clinical engineering services.
  • Maintains contact with IT, CE, and transcription suppliers and maintains knowledge of current technology, equipment, prices and terms of agreements to minimize the investment required to meet established service levels. Evaluates alternatives, performs appropriate cost benefit analysis, and recommends solutions that maximize effectiveness and minimize costs commensurate with acceptable risks.
  • Manages relationships with vendors for sales, service and support of all information systems and technology. Maintains problem logs, documenting system errors or defects. Serves as the primary contact to software, hardware and network-related vendors, consultants, and partners.

Planning/Policy Development
  • Responsible for the technology vision and planning processes that will regularly evaluate existing technology, information systems, and staffing, research new solutions and technologies and recommend changes.
  • Responsible for planning, developing, evaluating, coordinating and managing information and technology systems for the affiliate. This includes EHR solution, telephones, data imaging, practice management systems and ERP solution.
  • Act as the principal technology advisor to the CEO/President, Board of Directors, senior management team and medical leadership. Guide senior management's understanding and effective sponsorship of IS initiatives and represent the health system's technology needs and interests at all levels inside and outside of the organization
  • Develops and enforces policies and procedures to ensure the protection of the affiliate's IT assets and the integrity, security and privacy of information entrusted to or maintained by the affiliate.
  • Collaborate with key leadership to develop and support a future vision and IS strategy, including the role of IS to facilitate quality outcomes, decision support, public reporting, telemedicine and imaging, and align the IS resources with the corporate strategy
  • Oversees the linkage between external technology systems (e.g. government, vendors and other health care organizations) and the affiliate's IT resources; including systems for electronic data exchange.
  • Recommends changes to software applications based on analysis of their impact to all business requirements.
  • Gathers and analyzes changing requirements of healthcare and develops effective and feasible ways to satisfy business requirements.

Accountable For the Following
  • Information Systems services including UC Health's ERP solution, Technology Infrastructure, Cyber Security and other departmental systems as needed. Clinical Engineering operation, capital planning.
  • Corporate Transcription services that support acute care, ambulatory care, and diagnostic service areas transcription needs. The CTO ensures that new technology for voice capture and translation are adopted to deliver the most efficient model of transcription services.
  • Telecommunication functions at the individual hospitals and central business office technician services

Systems Administration/Reporting
  • Recruit, motivate and develop highly skilled professionals who can consistently deliver quality results that meet stated organization objectives. Implement a management approach that drives organizational performance, encourages creativity, develops technical proficiencies and rewards key performers.
  • Promotes and oversees relationships between the health care network's IT resources and external entities (e.g. government, vendors and other health care organizations)
  • Ensures that all information systems and networks operate according to internal standards, external accrediting agency standards, regulatory agencies and legal requirements, including HIPAA.
  • Develops and maintains the systems architecture, defining standards and protocols for data exchanges, communications, software and interconnection of health care network information systems.
  • Coordinates and manages needs and data analysis for UC Health. Ensures that gathering, processing, distributing and using pertinent information required by management to make decisions occur in a timely, accurate and cost effective manner.
  • Ensures that data systems are capable of provision of all patient data and statistics as required by federal, state and local agencies. Supports the development of patient reports as requested.
  • Develops and maintains a system recovery plan in the event of power failure, damage to systems, etc.
  • Oversees the development, maintenance, and communication of systems documentation, policies, and procedures.


  • Minimum Required: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Business Administration or a related field.
  • Preferred: Master's degree in Health/Hospital Administration, Public Health, or Business Administration or related field is highly desirable.

  • Minimum Required: 10 - 15 Years equivalent experience
  • Ten or more years of experience in the area of healthcare Information Systems Senior Management with increasing responsibilities for management and support of healthcare information systems and information technology, direct management of a major IT operation required. Significant experience in a health care setting is desirable, specifically in technology and information systems planning to support business goals. Experience should also include exposure to both shared and outsourced solutions, as well as support of in-house information and communication systems in a multi-site client-server environment. Specific experience with practice management, financial management and clinical management information systems is a plus.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of:
    • Business principles and techniques of administration, organization, and management to include an in-depth understanding of the key business issues that exist in the health care industry. These include, but are not limited to, knowledge of strategic and operational planning, health care economics, personnel administration, federal, state and local laws, marketing, financial and cost analysis, trends in the health care industry, and primary health care administrative theory and practice.
    • Data processing methods and procedures, and computer software systems
    • Business office operations as it pertains to third party billing and reimbursement activities in a managed care environment
    • Systems design and development processes, including requirements analysis, feasibility studies, software design, programming, pilot testing, installation, evaluation and operational management
    • Business process analysis and redesign
    • Design, management, and operation of managed IT systems